We live in a very ordered Universe. Not a chaotic, scrambled one, but one based on laws and principles. I read something this morning that struck a cord with me. Right away I thought of it’s application with respect to internet marketing. Here’s the quote that gave me moment to pause:
“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What’s in it for me?” Brian Tracy
Now, I know there are a few unscrupulous marketers out there just trying to get your money…and, they will succeed for a short time. But, it will eventually catch up with them. It has to. You see it is Universal Law….Spiritual Principle, that whatever we send out (whether it be thought or action) will eventually find it’s way back to us…and, if we sent out some undesirable actions, then what we receive back will reflect that….and, it might not be pretty.
As you approach all your campaigns, lead with the heart. Approach with the intent of helping others succeed and that’s exactly what you earn back….SUCCESS. “What goes around comes around” folks. It’s law.
John Thornhill is one prime example of someone who desires to see people succeed, sets out to help them succeed and by living spiritual principles is a great success himself.
It is the way I plan on conducting my campaigns and my business.
EnJOY your day…..
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