Had our first class webinar today.  I think it’s more fun for those of us not located in the UK.  We get to hear all those British accents…and in my opinion that just adds to the fun… 🙂

It was amazing that for the most part, the questions that were asked were the very same questions I had floating about in my head.  Not only was it educational, but he gave us links to all the other student blogs….and, that was the best part. 😉   I have already been to every one of them.  Obviously there are some students light years ahead of me in technical skills, I just need to be patient with myself.

I have already made an awesome connection and new friend from the list of students….Gayla.  We are the same age (which was amazing cause I thought I was the senior citizen here)…. live within 100 miles of one another and basically have the same passions for Internet Marketing and Metaphysics.  The world is really a small place isn’t it?  Anyway, her blog address is http://www.gaylarrkilbride.com/.   Check her blog out…it’s lots of fun to read.  I’ll be following it for sure.

The Webinar was great inspiration for me as was the trip through all the student blogs.  I plan on going through each and every blog and signing up to follow them.  No doubt each one will offer something different in the way of insights and wisdom and I want to digest it all.

One of the first items I want to add to my blog is color and  ~movement~ in the way of pictures and videos.  My blog is a little on the flat boring side right now and I feel like that will give it the depth it needs….I just have not had time to take the tutorial and implement them.  That’s next on my agenda.

I must tell you that the webinar and access to the student blogs has reinvigorated me.  It’s almost as though it relit the fire that brought me here in the first place.  I really feel success within me.  And, that’s a good thing…. 😉

Sweet dreams,


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