Taking a break and writing about my first love today…..

I am wondering…

how many of you have ever entertained the thought of Immortality?  I am not referring to Immortality of the Spirit/Soul….that’s a given.  Afterall, we know that we are pure energy…and, you can’t kill energy.  It simply changes form.

What I am referring to is Immortality of your present body.  Ok, so I can already hear “that’s impossible.”  Is it really?  Have you examined the possibility?  Have you allowed your mind to reach beyond it’s present set of instructions?

This life is all about consciousness.  What conscious level are you operating from?  Most people accept death as a given. We are raised by that conscious level from the time we are born.  So, we simply accept it.

There is another way into the Higher Realm…a front door so to speak.  It is reserved for those who have consciously taken control of their lives…in thought, word and action.  You are no longer buffeted by whatever blows into your life from without.  You control your life from within….your thoughts, your words,  your actions.  How powerful is that?

I had a personal awakening to Immortality 30 plus years ago.  I truly had a moment when my consciousness shifted…I felt it.  My best friend Suzen shared this magic with me.  We were reading together when the words lightening bolted off the page and shook our beings like never before. It was then that I knew ecstasy.  My desire has been for nothing else since then.

My consciousness had awakened and the Universe was teaching me about Immortality.  First it was a knowing within…but soon, the Universe dropped books in my lap…books that wrote about this.  Immortality of the body.  It reinforced what I knew.  A knowing needs no defense….it simply is.  You can neither defend it nor change it.  It simply is.  But, it was comforting to know others knew this too…particularly in the beginning when I was a chic learning to fly.   😉

For you scientific types….it is obvious that science alone will bring us to this level someday.  Just look at the strides made in the last 100 years.  Do you really think mankind will be dying 100…200…300….1000 years into the future?

Why wait for science to figure it out?  You have the power to reach this level yourself.  The key here is your desire.  Mankind holds the secret within himself…and, it patiently waits for our attention.

Walter Russell states that an atom is simply light curled in on itself.  Discoveries in quantum physics have helped us understand that all matter is densely packed light.  Clear away all the dross of limited thinking that keeps you in a limited state and make way for the light to shine through from the center of your atoms and vibrate your entire body.  You become Light because you are Light.  When you remove the dross the only thing left is Light.  It’s like polishing a lens until it is crystal clear and it allows the flow of light. Block the flow with limited thinking and you darken the lens and limit the amount of light you generate!

The light within is perfect.  You are perfect.  When you reach the level of consciousness where you accept these things as your truth…you remove the dross of negative thoughts that have clouded this beautiful perfect vision.  You become Light….for THE TOTALITY OF LIGHT THAT YOU ARE SHINES!

There have been thousands that have reached this level., taken control and arrived at the pinnacle of Glory. Will you be one of them?  Will you be a pioneer in the field of Immortality?  Are you brave enough to think for yourself…to create your own world by your will?

Never, never place limits on yourself.  The minute you accept any kind of limit…such as the thought that you will die…..you open the door to more of the same thing.

Never, never place limits on yourself.  Open the door to all possibility.  Be Grand!! Your life will transform before your eyes.

All things are possible else you could not think them!  Accept your inheritance…become all that you were destined to be.  Understand your true purpose here on earth.  The earth is your platform to evolve into the next species.  Did you really think that evolution stopped with our present status as Homo sapiens?

“The body, our body, is the site of the battle of the next species.”
Satprem  ….”The Mind of the Cell”

When you reach the point of questioning things such as “death” then you have arrived at the pinnacle of thought.

Allow the expansion of your mind to occur.  Broaden your horizon to accept it all!  Imagine taking that narrow mind and blasting it to Eternity until it had room for all possibilities!

Your choice.

The earth is evolving.  We are evolving.  The Universe is evolving.  Become a conscious co-creator instead of a bystander.

Take control!

Love all that you are including your body.  Spiritualize your body for it is your vehicle to evolve into…..Homo Luminous.  Your evolution must take place here on earth.  You must create this being with your willed consciousness.

Don’t take my word for it….turn within.  Your answers are there…but, you must ask.  If you resonate with these words then explore the possibilities….your Christ Self/Higher Self has been waiting for this moment….the moment you turn within and ask.  There are no limits in life…only those that you place on yourself.

Love the journey enough to always desire more.  Desire is the fuel that drives evolution  Will your evolution into Godhood into existence.  It is the next step on the divine journey.  I can only imagine what is in store for us after that!

And, always reach back for those behind you……..and, so it goes.  On and on into Eternity.

Celebrating the greatness of Mankind,


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