I received an automated email from one of Socrates Socratous lists the other day. For those of you that are fairly new to Internet marketing, Socrates is one of the mentor/guru’s who is on top of the IM game. Not only is he on top of his game, he plays the game as well as anyone I’ve come across in this field.
One of the reasons he is such a success at what he does is because he gives so much of himself and his knowledge for free that people naturally want to follow him and his ideas. By setting the reciprocol laws in motion…giving…he opens himself to receive. By conducting his business keeping inline with Universal laws and principles, he has become a huge success financially and personally and has created a list of followers second to none.
Anyway the reason for this post is this: In that email that Socrates sent out to his list he mentions the fact that he is on his way to Cyprus (yes, that’s Cyprus, the beautiful Mediteranean Island) to spend the next two months. Wow, two months in Cyprus…his home. Now, how many business’ do you know…other than IM that would allow such an extravagant trip?
Reading this email reminded me of why I am focused on succeeding with this field…freedom. Internet marketing simply allows the kind of freedom I am after in life. Freedom to travel anytime I want…anywhere I want…as long as I have an Internet connection (which is everywhere now.) You take your business with you and work at it around your schedule no matter where you are.
You can make money while you’re sleeping, traveling, awake, visiting…or just plain lounging around.

Work anywhere at anytime convient for you!
Membership sites and Internet marketing go hand in hand. Create a membership site and take your business with you no matter where you are. Within that membership site you have the perfect platform for all your affiliate promotions. This creates multiple streams of income for you…all within one paid site.
You’d be hard pressed to find a better residual income model than membership sites and couple those memberships with the Internet and you’ve created the kind of freedom you never thought possible.
The Internet is truly transforming lives around the world and creating more millionaires than ever before! Internet access is the most powerful tool available today and if you haven’t already begun to explore the field of Internet marketing using this tool, you are loosing out on the most fantastic opportunity to change your life.
The Internet has brought the world to our fingertips and no longer does your geographic location limit you. You are open 24/7….and your reach extends around the world.
We are truly blessed to be living in this day and age.
The age of millionaires!
To your success…and freedom,
check out Socrates Socratous blog: Internet Marketing for some great reading and awesome tips!
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