It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the US as we celebrate a day of gratefulness.
I love Thanksgiving because there are always lots of family members as well as friends in for fun, food and laughter and you don’t have to deal with all the presents but you get the same atmosphere.
It just so happens that today Thanksgiving coordinates with the last day of Learn With Sally Coaching…the latest coaching class that I participated in.
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is not celebrated around the world and because of that, I am saddened 🙁 because most likely I will not be able to attend the last class webinar…which I just know is going to be awesome!
Because of the time change, the webinar will be at 4 in the afternoon for me…just about Thanksgiving dinner time.
However…I do plan on bringing my computer to my mom’s…and I am going to try and check in and out…if we aren’t actually at the table at that time! So Sally…if you see me go in and out of your webinar…that is why 😉
You know, I can’t remember the last time I was actually saddened by the fact that I had finished a class! I can remember in school being jubilent when any class finished and skipping out of school to enjoy the summer fun.
However…this coaching has been different. Because Sally is different than most coaches. There is a level of caring with Sally that you don’t often get from coaches and because of this she has attracted some quality members…who I also honor in this blog post.
I’ve never had so much fun and learned so much at the same time as I have in Sally’s coaching…
So, with that said…here is my tribute to Sally and all my very supportive teammates.
This is one super group of marketers and if you’ve been considering joining a blogging coaching class then you won’t find a more supportive teacher or group of marketers than is connected with “Learn With Sally”.

Thanks Sally…thanks for turning me into an Action taker. Because of time contraints over the past few months I have many action steps that I need to take yet that are clearly outlined in the webinars and videos. So, although the class and webinars will be no more ;(…I still have lots of work to do 😉
For all my classmates…I could have put so much more into this video…there were so many things that were deserving…but with 3 grandkids in my house loving on Grandma I simply can’t take more time than I have to put this together. I hope you understand that I know of each one of your accomplishments and they all deserve praise.
You are all an awesome supportive group that I am so grateful to know and work with!
For all of you…whether you are officially celebrating Thanksgiving or not…take a conscious moment on this special day to give thanks…
for whatever is overflowing from your heart…
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