Membership sites are truly the trend.  If you don’t believe me, just Google membership sites and see what others are saying.  Today, let’s explore some ideas for membership sites.

As always, it’s easy to feel a sort of ‘block’ the minute we assign a task to our minds such as coming up with a theme for our site.  So, let’s loosen that block and get those juices flowing.

Start writing down all the things you are passionate about.  What excites you and gets your adrenaline flowing?  Do you have any specific skills and the ability to teach these to others?  How about that hobby of yours that people rave about? These ideas are your comfort zone.  Staying with a topic you are passionate about will keep you interested, which will translate to great content for your membership site.

Remember, we are looking at membership sites as long term.  There will be on going research and diligent effort in keeping your members interested.  Different than writing a book where you put the information down once and move onto something else.

Some of the wisest gurus are setting up membership sites as their retirement income.  There is a model of  a membership site that teaches a course and can last a defined amount of time, let’s say 12 months to complete the course.  But we’re going to focus on long term membership sites.

Below I’ve listed some ideas that would make great membership sites.  Maybe you can find your niche topic within them or they at least will loosen you up enough to see how wide spread the possibilities are.

Health/medical….always a hot topic and one that is researched a great deal on the net

Family/parenting….now, that’s a subject that will never go away.  Use the skills you have obtained through experience to help others.  New parents are always looking for guidance and we all know that children are our most prized asset.

Caring for the Elderly….the age span of humans is on the rise.  Can you help others with this growing trend?

Travel…this field literally covers the world.  Have you been in a business where you traveled alot?  Can you share ideas and tips about certain locations?

Employment….unemployment is on the rise and people are seeking help in finding jobs, writing resumes and any tips that could give them an edge in landing employment.  Do you have some expertise in this area, or maybe you’ve experienced job loss yourself and found a shortcut to finding that perfect job.  An interactive forum would be ideal for these members.

Starting a business….with huge corporations folding every day, there are more and more people looking to start their own business.

Entertainment….with all the stress related issues going on in people’s lives, some light hearted entertainment might just be the ticket.  Start a paid membership site for music or movie downloads for example.

This list could go on and on.  The topics I’ve listed, are broad range topics, most of them have numerous niches within those niches.

Still can’t come up with an idea?  Here’s a few examples of membership sites that I have come across that I must admit even surprised me.  It just might help to loosen that mental block.

Bounce Houses

Sharing fishing tales

Dog Trainer Club

Public Domain Central

Drawing Tutorials

Some of these are monthly subscriptions, some bi-monthly and some yearly.  In every case, they are earning the owner money.  The possibilities are endless.

Do you see the potential for yourself?

To your success….


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