Good Glorious Morning!

I really love mornings.  It pretty much doesn’t matter what state I was in when I went to bed….when the new day announces itself on the horizon, my slate is clean and ready to be filled with new adventures, new discoveries and most importantly OPPORTUNITIES.  I really love life.

I wasn’t going to write this morning. not for lack of something to say, but because I was short on time.

Then I checked into my dashboard.  Surprise, surprise, I received my first comment.  But wait, it ended up in my spam folder!  Of course I had to check it out.  Someone wrote and told me they liked my writing style and that they were looking forward to reading more from me.  Why is this spam…I thought?  Maybe he is known for doing this.  Time to research.  Sure enough, this person likes to leave that same comment all over the internet on different blogs.  Nothing genuine about that comment!  Akismet is the spam filter that WordPress uses and I am going to have to have more faith in it.  No doubt there are a lot of legitimate spammers out there just waiting in the weeds to clog your blog.  I wonder how these spammers find us so early on??  I am sure they target the new bloggers as any seasoned blogger would probably not have given it a second glance.  But, he accomplished what he set out to do as I was curious and clicked on his site.  I am sure that was his intention in the first place.  To get that “click” that the search engines like.  But, thankfully they are getting wise too.

But it was a first!  There is always something special about “that first” in anything…and, for me, this wasn’t any different.

Anyway, for what it’s worth it gave me that little boost of confidence that we all need on occasion….even if it was short lived…;)

My heart is the driving force behind everything I write and post here…and nothing is more important to me than that my readers “feel” my heart when they read.  I have spent 30 plus years studying in the Metaphysical field and although this blog is primarily about Internet Marketing, my passion for Universal Law and Principals naturally finds its way into my posts.

Universal Law and Principals will be the guidepost for all my marketing ventures.  It couldn’t be any other way.  It is who I AM.

Go enJOY your day.  Accept the “present” moment as the gift that it is…..and feel your connection to everything the Universe brings to you for discovery today.


“You must BE the CHANGE you wish to SEE in the world”

Mahatma Gandi

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