Living Authentically

Sharing a favorite poem by my favorite poetess

Ella Wheeler Wilcox…

The closer to Truth we are, the simpler things get.


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The Real You: Love Itself

by  | Dec 2017 (complete credit for this article goes to thank Miriandra for allowing herself to be the channel for such enlightening material!! You are loved!!

Don’t think you… Continue reading

yinyangAre you tired of struggling against life? Are you finished with limitation and distortion and ready to move beyond it but can’t seem to find that one piece of the puzzle to get you there?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? What are your perceptions telling you? Do you see someone who is perfect in the moment or someone who needs lots of work?

How you answer that question is key to moving beyond limitation, it is the key to the puzzle that you have been searching for. Continue reading



The Sacred Heart of Love is honored in all religions. Often depicted as the “Heart Chakra” in Eastern Religions…the Anahata. Now obviously, this cannot be by chance. So, why do all religions and faiths honor the heart? Why do we as humans associate LOVE with the heart? Why not the stomach or the brain? Continue reading

Every once in a while I read something so powerful that there is no need to rewrite what has been written but better to SHARE the gem I’ve discovered. The article below is for those aspiring to 5th dimensional thinking…leaving the lower denser world of 3D thinking behind as they rise to meet the stars.

Are you coming?


Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailCosmic-Human Hybrid: Becoming Gods

After so many years consciously on the voyage to Godhood, we are well enuf experienced at eclipse passages to realize that when we are deeply immersed in such major transformation, we are mostly unable to interpret any of it.

In walks the Pleiadian perspective. The starbeings take great delight in witnessing the extraordinary changes that are taking place within us…AS they are taking place…just prior to our integration and understanding of said transformations. This cycle of change is no exception.

Part of the reason why they allow us to go thru most of the process before they report on our collective happenings is so that we have the opportunity to flesh out these realizations on our own first, to witness our own inner-guidance system as it is validated by their confirmations.

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