It’s time to announce the winner of the Mission Impossible traffic contest.
First I want to thank everyone that contributed to my blog traffic this past month. There is not one of you that are not super stars to me…so thanks!
The results are taken straight from Google Analytics for Kathydobson.com…and the winner is clearly Dawn Kay of DawnKaysBlog.com
Now, this is a bit awkward because Dawn was actually participating in the contest offer…giving the winner 1 Hour of Free Transcription time. I don’t think Dawn is going to want to offer that to herself…
but, in all fairness, I would like to declare Dawn Kay the official winner. I would like to award the Camtasia/Snag It license to Dawn and allow her to offer the free one hour transcription to the second place winner if she so chooses.
An important update:
Please read Dawn Kay’s comment…first one below.
As you’ll read, she has forfeited her prize to the second place winner Barry Wells.
So, congrats once again Barry…you have won yet another prize 😉
You deserve it for all your hard work recently…Thanks Barry!
So, congrats Dawn for driving the most “referral traffic” to KathyDobson.com for the 30 day period.
Here’s a special thanks to those that followed:
- Barry Wells of BarryWells.com (you just might be getting more transcription time from Dawn)
- DeeAnn Rice of “Blogging and Internet Marketing Basics”
- Linda from Build Online Businesses Now
- Learn With Sally.com (well, I had to include that one 😉
- David Taylor from DavidTayloruk.com (who by the way is a brand new dad! Congrats David!)
- Nigel Yip from “MyFirstMarketing.com“
- Adrienne Smith from AdrienneSmith.net Â
- Jacinta Dean of Creating My Business Online.com
- Terry Conti from TerriConti.comÂ
- Sire from Wassupblog.comÂ
These stats only include bloggers…not the other sites. Once again…thanks to all these awesome bloggers for helping me with my traffic stats.
As you can clearly see from the stats I have some work to do on this blog. I need to get the average time on site up as well as getting the bounce rate down. And I can’t wait for the day when I get 1,000 visitors a day rather than 1,000 a month 😉
In retrospect it was probably not the perfect time to have run a traffic contest. I am in the middle of an intense coaching course with Sally Neill….trying to keep up with some incredible bloggers is tough! I’ve started back at my part-time off line job and did not give this contest the time and effort it really deserved.
However I loved making the video and for me right now it’s as much about the process as the results. So, having learned so much from the process…I can consider this a success 😉
I am still working on header/blog design. I’ve had a change of heart and started over…so it will take a bit longer before it’s done. I am very excited as I think that will be the first step to gaining and keeping new customers.
Once the new blog/design is up I am going to do some serious work on driving traffic…go back over Sally’s videos and implement the steps!
If I could somehow manufacture time…the one commodity I never seem to have enough of.
In the meantime, tomorrow is catch up day for me as I want to be target on when Sally opens class again on Thurs. Sally was attacked by a vicious flu that sidelined her for a couple of weeks.
I’ve missed her cheery voice and motivating presence.
Welcome back Sally 😉
Next up… a blog post about contests. That’s right I am going to cover what makes for a good contest and what doesn’t fly.
Til then…
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