InspiredLifeEntrepreneurToday I want  to do another review, this time of an awesome, inspiring ebook written by Ann Martinez that I recently had the pleasure of reading and reviewing.  For all you would be entrepreneurs out there, this is a must read as it will reveal a new kind of entrepreneur that is emerging in this age of the Internet.

Sometimes a book like this is exactly what we need to get us moving in life…whether it be in business or personal…motivating us to reach higher. Understanding ourselves and our place can only help us on our journey through life to achieve the kind of success we’re after.

So, with that in mind, please take the time to read the review of this excellent product:

“Inspired Life Entrepreneur”

If you’re thinking of starting an online business or need a little kick start to get you on the right track for success. You need to check out a new eBook just launched by Ann Martinez titled, “Inspired Life Entrepreneur, Awaken Your Passion and Profit Online.”

The author has written an inspiring guide for the “awakened entrepreneur” to successfully start a business doing what they love to do. She stresses the importance of getting your priorities in order and creating the right mindset before starting a business. Ann knows how to inspire people to achieve more out of all aspects of their lives, not just their business.

Additionally, Ann reveals what it takes to succeed as an Online Entrepreneur with her chapter on the “7 Success Skills of the Online Entrepreneur,” and “Overcoming Obstacles to Your Online Success.” The author begins by telling you a story about a little girl with dreams and how this girl manifested her life by naturally applying the Law of Attraction. She goes on to paint a profile of the new enlightened “inspired” entrepreneur.

Ann shows you a new way to look at your life and your business and the importance of creating a lifestyle business of balance. She states that when you are living as an inspired life entrepreneur your work is enjoyable, fun and fulfilling. It doesn’t feel like work at all. Ann shows you that if your work is a natural extension of your passions and interests you will be more successful.

For anyone who has ever wanted to understand universal laws and principles, “Inspired Life Entrepreneur” will take you on a journey from how to discover passion, to understanding the importance of goals & following through with actions. Ann also adds chapters regarding thoughts on abundance, why it’s easy to earn money, and the power of words and affirmations.

This guide allows you to take a self inventory of skills, talents and desires, and also includes extensive excerpts from several motivational teachers such as Harv Eker, and Bob Proctor. Other topics covered include why it’s important to write an ebook for self promotion, and reasons why you should become an online entrepreneur.

This author may be leading the way in a new kind of thinking that rises above the idea of creating a business for the sole purpose of monetary gain. She contends that by setting a higher purpose for the business may result in even greater financial success. The inspiring quotes scattered throughout will encourage the reader to keep this book around as a reference when they are faced with challenges and need a little help to get back on track.

You may want to use this helpful information to do some internal work on yourself to overcome obstacles and align your energy for success. She doesn’t give you the nuts and bolts of getting started in business but strongly suggests hiring a mentor or getting into a coaching program. Ann has added a few resources for online coaches listed at the end.

You will definitely learn something from this guide, if not just coming away with a new perspective on how to be successful at anything you may want in life. Ann makes the point that whatever you are doing today is no where near what you are capable of achieving.

“Inspired Life Entrepreneur” …check it out….some things are worth your time, and this is one of them.

Celebrating Success…yours and mine!


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