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Every once in a while I read something so powerful that there is no need to rewrite what has been written but better to SHARE the gem I’ve discovered. The article below is for those aspiring to 5th dimensional thinking…leaving the lower denser world of 3D thinking behind as they rise to meet the stars.
Are you coming?
Cosmic-Human Hybrid: Becoming Gods
After so many years consciously on the voyage to Godhood, we are well enuf experienced at eclipse passages to realize that when we are deeply immersed in such major transformation, we are mostly unable to interpret any of it.
In walks the Pleiadian perspective. The starbeings take great delight in witnessing the extraordinary changes that are taking place within us…AS they are taking place…just prior to our integration and understanding of said transformations. This cycle of change is no exception.
Part of the reason why they allow us to go thru most of the process before they report on our collective happenings is so that we have the opportunity to flesh out these realizations on our own first, to witness our own inner-guidance system as it is validated by their confirmations.
When we feel as though we must defend, argue or join a “heated discussion” or perceive a negative situation we are in “fight” mode.
When we “run” or purposely leave a situation because of the energy we feel we are in “flight” mode.
Not surprisingly, psychologists call this the “fight or flight” mode. It is the energy, the perceptions coming from survival instincts and both are valid, one as much as the other.
However, this is a New Age…and, a new dispensation is coming forth. One that does neither…”fight nor flight.”
This ONE is the “Christed One”...that “Lights up the darkness”...that gives the command “Let there be Light” through its perception of Love which is Light. Continue reading
There’s a lower purpose and a higher purpose to all things because there are two sides to all things in life.
All things.
There is a personal private interpretation of life that you create and buy into in your mind through your perceptions about life and there is the Divine blueprint, the “Bigger Picture” that is all inclusive of all things…it is the original “blue-print”, the expression of pure perfection of all things before they are distorted by personal opinion….and this is where Love lives…it is eternal and infinite in nature as opposed to your narrow limited, defined, opinionated world. Continue reading
Today I was lead to read this piece and was taken by the incredible Truth/message that blazes forth. When something expresses this well there is no need to rewrite what is already so powerful…so, in that vein I bring you the article in its completion. Full credit and loving gratitude for this article goes to: Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net
Dear friends, today I am here with joy and pleasure and I extend a warm welcome to every one of you. Our meeting makes a difference. It is not only a lecture in which you listen to words but my presence here which merges with yours creates an energy space which helps anchor light in the earth.
You are the gatekeepers to the light. You are the ones on earth who open the gate to more light, the light of the New Era. The old world is gradually passing away. Old structures of power and ego based consciousness have lost their strength and will gradually sink to the bottom of the ocean. A new society, a new state of being arises which is based on love and on the values of the heart.
You are all so much a part of this transformation. Continue reading
Think the Hero and Heroine the greater role in life?
The movie Maleficent was the perfect example of how the villain and heroine are one.
Without the villain setting into motion the actions that would allow a heroine to be created there is no heroine.
Think about that. Mmmm…does that mean we actually need the villainous side of ourselves. Absolutely!
How else do you expect to become a Master, Hero or Heroine without something to overcome? There has to be something to give these terms meaning. Continue reading