Kathy Dobson

If creating a membership site from scratch is your thing, I discovered an awesome series of videos that you can purchase to get  you going on setting up your membership site.   Membership Master is a collection of 8… Continue reading

Membership sites are truly the trend.  If you don’t believe me, just Google membership sites and see what others are saying.  Today, let’s explore some ideas for membership sites.

As always, it’s easy to feel a sort of… Continue reading

There is an online business model I’d like you to get acquainted with.  This business model is Membership Sites.  Although Membership Sites have been around for sometime now, the past few years have seen a huge leap in… Continue reading

Taking a break and writing about my first love today…..

I am wondering…

how many of you have ever entertained the thought of Immortality?  I am not referring to Immortality of the Spirit/Soul….that’s a given.  Afterall, we know… Continue reading

Checked into my email this morning to find a nice gift.  You just never know what might be lurking behind that mail click.  To my surprise this morning was a lead to a page that listed 556 resources… Continue reading