Finally, my first post in 2012!
The holidays are over, the New Year has begun and it’s time to buckle down to blogging and blogging and more blogging. Then of course there is commenting, and commenting and more blog commenting before it’s all done ;)…and, don’t forget the social bookmarking 😉
I am truly excited writing this post because over Christmas, in fact, between Christmas and New Years I got to meet up with one of my favorite online marketers (this guy is a PLR genius)...who has also become a dear friend.
Me and Ian
Recently I was nominated by Barry Wells to join the 7 Links Blogging Challenge. Although time seems to be at a premium lately (geez when do you ever have enough time!) I am not one to pass up a great challenge and this one offered a chance to stroll through memory lane as I searched for the best prospects for each category listed.
The 7 Links Challenge seems to be circulating the net right now. Barry was originally nominated by Adrienne Smith who was nominated by…etc, etc. …you get the drift. It’s a nice circle of blogging enthusiasts to be surrounded by and I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity.
Now that I have located my 7 entries into this Link Challenge, I’d like to add how much fun it was to revisit some of my earlier posts. It was interesting to note my voice and the date a post was written to get a feel for where I was at in my own journey online.
I do hope you find something that offers you value in the way of education, inspiration, motivation or humor!. Continue reading
It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the US as we celebrate a day of gratefulness.
I love Thanksgiving because there are always lots of family members as well as friends in for fun, food and laughter and you don’t have to deal with all the presents but you get the same atmosphere.
It just so happens that today Thanksgiving coordinates with the last day of Learn With Sally Coaching…the latest coaching class that I participated in.
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is not celebrated around the world and because of that, I am saddened 🙁 because most likely I will not be able to attend the last class webinar…which I just know is going to be awesome! Continue reading
Woo Hoo…Today we cover….Blog Contests…

It’s no secret that blog contests are all the rage right now and if you are a passionate blogger, most likely you’ve thought about holding your own blog contest. But where do you start?
The first thing you should define before holding your contest is the objective.
For the most part your contest objectives will either be directed towards improving an element that already exists within your blog…something internal to your blog’s success such as active participation from your readers…or
directed towards gaining something from outside your blog…such as new readers…external additions. Continue reading