What’s New

There’s been a lot of “fever” about “Fiverr” lately…the economy/bargain basement outsourcing site where services are offered for $5.00 only.

Fiverr calls themselves “The place for people to share things they’re willing to do for $5.”

It’s easy… Continue reading

What a month! This incredible project I’ve been involved in called Personal Passion Formula by Chuck Goetschel has pretty much eaten all the time I’ve had in the last 3-4 weeks.

And, what a ride it’s been! I think I’ve experienced every emotion in that time from feeling an exuberant high to total nearly paralyzing fear

…laughter…tears…disappointment…joy, anger…I’ve felt it all.

When this opportunity came along I admit there was a part of me that wanted to run as quick as I could the other way.

But, lucky for me the other part of me embraced this opportunity with open arms and although it cost me my sanity for a few weeks…the project is now complete, submitted to Personal Passion Formula and contained within this super fantastic course. Continue reading

Wow does it feel good to be here again 😉

I know it’s been too long since I last posted (January 11th to be exact) but it’s not because I have been playing and not paying attention.

Nothing could be further from the truth…    

I have been working harder than ever on a project that I was recently invited into.

This project requires video tutorials and that’s what I have been very, very busy doing.

Every morning and every night…most times way, way past my bedtime.

If you’ve never written a script…let me tell you the whole experience is quite different than writing an ebook. And, that’s where I had to start…

writing the scripts for the videos that I am producing…on the subject of Outsourcing of course 😉

When opportunity knocks…you have to answer and this is opportunity knocking loud and clear and although the time frame was very tight for me…I wasn’t about to pass up this exciting venture.

Which brings me to the message of this post…. Continue reading

Today I am going to bring up the most important step to achieving success…whether it be online or offline.

That step is your ~ACTION step~

You see, action is what takes the image from your imagination and manifests it in this physical realm. Action is movement… you stir the atoms awake and get them moving and they simply answer the design of the vision that is held forth.

Without the all important action step, your image remains in the realm of the “imagination.” That’s all fine and good if you want to exist in that realm all the time. Good luck paying your bills from there though 😉 

For those who want to take those visions and create/bring them into the physical realm…you must perform the action step…the movement step…the creation step.

Take enough action steps towards your vision and eventually you will create in the physical realm what you have dreamed up in the imaginary realm! It’s law folks…plain and simple. Mathematical law.

I wonder how many realize that the word “action” is contained in and is in fact the last word within the word “attraction.” Continue reading

Hive Desk…your new automated outsourcing tool. Anyone who has started outsourcing or wants to begin outsourcing will most likely have the same question come up in their minds…”how can I track my outsourced worker as they are working?” In other words…how do I know my outsourced worker is actually working during the times they submit?

For those that have used oDesk for their outsourced projects,  they provide a solution/service that will track your outsourced worker as they are working on their computer. But for those who were not using oDesk there was no way to track workers on how effectively and efficiently they are using their time.

Good news for those interested in this type program….

I recently was invited as a Beta tester for this new program called “Hive Desk.” Here’s how Hive Desk describes their service: Continue reading