Kathy Dobson


Get out of your mind – the past and future where you think about creation – and get into the “the magic of the moment where creation happens.”

We are the creators and as such we create using our greatest gift…the imagination screen. Our creations can live there forever and we can visit them whenever we want, in our imagination, but if we want to experience this creation in the physical realm we must move energy there with e-motion and action.

We are both the “image-in power and the action takers.” 

We are both creator and creation. We create it in our imagination and bring it into the physical realm of matter with action. Continue reading


Kiirtan, or Kirtana, is the act of “singing a mantra out-loud in an act of devotion to the Divine. It dissolves the mind, opens the heart and awakens the soul for lovers of God.

Rhythmic repetitions when said with intent are empowering and take us deep into ourselves. The sounds of Kiirtan chants and mantras awaken within us our spiritual qualities. We are able to tap into areas of our brains that deal with raw emotion and go even deeper. As we sing these high vibrating phrases, our hearts open, we expand our consciousness, heal our distortions and produce positive frequencies.  Continue reading

yinyangAre you tired of struggling against life? Are you finished with limitation and distortion and ready to move beyond it but can’t seem to find that one piece of the puzzle to get you there?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? What are your perceptions telling you? Do you see someone who is perfect in the moment or someone who needs lots of work?

How you answer that question is key to moving beyond limitation, it is the key to the puzzle that you have been searching for. Continue reading

what-are-you-thinkingDon’t you see…you wonder why the world seems cruel and damaged.

And, you ponder, “how can I change it…what can I do?”

Don’t you see…you have it backward?

You’re trying to change the “finished pie” so that it no longer tastes bitter…so that it is no longer bland…so that the crust is light and flaky and not dark and dense.

But don’t you see…that’s backwards my friend…

Continue reading



The Sacred Heart of Love is honored in all religions. Often depicted as the “Heart Chakra” in Eastern Religions…the Anahata. Now obviously, this cannot be by chance. So, why do all religions and faiths honor the heart? Why do we as humans associate LOVE with the heart? Why not the stomach or the brain? Continue reading